Wednesday, June 5, 2013

7/11 Has “Coffee Cup” Study to Estimate Presidential Selection Outcome

Surveys are definitely part of the election year and 7/11 has made the decision to leap on the group and do their own poll with java glasses. Every four years 7/11 changes their java glasses to red and red. If you select a red cup you throw your elect for Mitt romney and if you select a red cup you throw your elect for Obama. 7/11 says that the number of glasses marketed in each shade in 2000, 2004 and 2008 perfectly expected the result of the presidential election.

Currently Barack obama's in the lead with 59% of the glasses of java marketed being in red glasses. Red glasses marketed have put Mitt romney following at 41%. 15 declares are not playing the “cup poll”. Those declares did not get involved in the 3 previously polls either. For election outcomes you can check out the outcomes at this

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